Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Purse to match my Cape

I went to the zoo today and knew it would be a perfect day to wear my new cape and hat since it was supposed to be 60° today .  Remember the one I made a couple of weeks ago?  .  It was a gorgeous day!  I wanted a matching purse and since I had some fabric leftover I decided to make one last night.
Since I had used all the blue from the sheet, I needed to find some more blue.  I found some old valances in my stash that was perfect!
I really had no idea what I was doing, but I will try to give you an idea how I made my purse.  First I used a crock pot lid to give me the rounded bottom.  I then cut straight up the sides.  I also used this same pattern for a heavy interfacing and the blue for the lining.
I put a pocket all the way across, I wish I had pulled it down a little though since it ended up being right at the top.  I put another blue pocket underneath this one to give a layered (or graduated) pocket.  I wish I had sewn up the middle because when I put the pleat in the front it made this pocket stick out too much.  I'm going to hand stitch it down.  Sew this on just the blue and interfacing so your stitches don't show on the outside.
I forgot to take anymore pictures, sorry.
I also put two pockets the sizes of my camera and phone on the other side.
I have some little pockets on my camera pocket because I used the "holes" from where the curtain rod would have gone and had them on the top rather then sewing another hem down for the top of the pocket.
Here is a picture of the inside of my purse.
After I had sewn on the pockets, I put a pleat in the middle of the bag on both sides and then rolled down towards the front to give myself a blue trim.  Sew along the trim.
Sew the two sides together right sides together.  Clip the edges to make it easier to turn.  You should probably zig zag stitch or serge it, but I didn't.
I turned it inside out and sewed the straps on.  I made the straps too long, but they cover my messy seams!
If you have any questions, leave me your email add. and I will try to answer them!
So, I made a hat, cape and purse out of one queen size flat sheet and one valance for the sum of $1!  I still need to add navy blue pockets to my cape(and inside pockets for my gloves)and some sort of snap to my purse, but I like it!

Wanna see what I did at the zoo?
I rode a camel!  Please ignore my boots!
The camel also tried to eat my ruffle!  LOL  She was very friendly!

I petted a goat.
I tried to pet a giraffe.
And my husband fed the birds.  This bird was so funny because he kept trying to get in my husband's coat.  I saw him steal a nut out of one lady's purse!
Happy new year ya'll!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I finally finished my first official quilt!

I finally finished my first quilt!  It is a small quilt I started in my quilting class back in October.  I had everything done but the border.  We didn't have time (and I brought the wrong material) to do the border in class, so she sat down with me and explained how to do it, even gave me a book.  The only problem is that my ADD brain can't learn stuff like that from a book.  I have to see it.  So of course I messed up on it!  I didn't fold it in half to begin with and could not figure out what to do after I folded it over to the other side.  So the back side is kind of wonky.
I even added three tabs in the back on top in case my stepmom wanted to use it as a wall hanging instead.
I found a video yesterday that shows how to put a border on a quilt, looks so easy!
Here it is:

I consider this my first quilt, since I had it mostly finished before the rag quilt.  LOL  I was going to add a pink border, but decided to go with the green that matched my squares.

On another note - look what my husband got me for Christmas!
He got me a new camera!  Now I can actually see the pictures I'm trying to take since the view screen had gone out on my other camera!
I hope ya'll had a merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lots of thread

My husband wanted me to sew him a pair of pajamas for Christmas.  I have not had the time to make them yet though.  I was really stressing about it, and finally decided that I would much rather have a clean house for Christmas then sew something else.  I let him know last night and he was fine with it.  I will get them made though and they will look a lot better since I won't be rushing them.  I did pay a friend to make a pair of crocheted slippers for him though.  I started them last year and gave up.
 Does anyone else have a tendency to put off housework while sewing?  My house is a mess since I was trying to finish up Christmas gifts.
Today I HAVE to finish cutting 8 blocks for a quilt since half of them are going to my friend for her to sew on the quilt we are working on together.
I also need to get my lesson together for my children's class at church tonight.  The only thing I have done on that so far is printed out the memory verse.  I also bought two packs of foam snowflakes.  I am going to put their names on them and let them decorate them with glitter then I'll put them up on a bulletin board.
After I finish that stuff I think it would be a good idea to finish my laundry and get it hung up.  Right now I have a pile on my couch.
Then I should probably make supper for my husband, I'm thinking of some sort of taco pie thingy.  I'm not sure.  I have some healthy corn tortillas and hamburger meat. 
Of course church is tonight (my church is small and we have church services at odd times LOL)
Tomorrow I'm babysitting one of Muffin's and Tiger's nephews.  Did I mention that half the cats in my church are related?  LOL
I also need (want) to make a White Christmas Pie.  I love this pie!  If you like coconut pie, you'll love this!
My step mom said she had some extra thread she was going to send in my Christmas box which came yesterday.  I opened the box and underneath the presents look what I found!
Wow!  How awesome is that?  Yes, I do excited about thread!  LOL  80 spools of thread and 6 serger threads!  What a blessing, I won't have to buy thread for quite a while!  Praise the Lord!  There are even old wooden spools.  I love those!  When we move and I get my sewing room I have some things I want to do with those.  I still need more though, but I have about a year to collect them.
Sorry about the lack of useful information today, but I just had to share!  I will slow down tomorrow, just need to finish cleaning the house.  We are opening our presents on Saturday since we have church Sunday morning.  I'll put the turkey on before we leave and ask the cats to keep it an eye on it for me. 
Do you think she'll be much help?  Yeah, me neither!
Have a Merry Christmas and be sure to remember that everything does not have to be perfect, the important thing is to remember it is all about Christ, not us and gifts.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

UFO 2012 List

What is an UFO you ask?  No it is not one of those alien flying ships.  It stands for "un-finished object" This seems to be a common term in blogland that I have never heard of before.  It's a good idea to keep track of all the projects you have laying around waiting to be finished.
Patchwork Times is having a challenge, kind of like a new years resolution of goals you want to finish this year.  I'm not much of a one for resolutions, but I'm going to jump in so that ya'll can hold me accountable.  You can join in here:  I think it is supposed to be just quilting projects, but there is no way I'll have time to make 12 quilts this year, so I am including 7 (instead of 12) specific UFOs to finish!
1.  I have a birdhouse quilt that some friends are helping me make.  That will be the first UFO to finish! 

The major blocks are cut out and sorted and been passed out to my friends who like to quilt.
2.  I am making a scrap quilt for my husband.  It is the rail fence pattern.  Here is the quilt:  Mine is going to be in browns, blue and greens.  I've started cutting strips.

3.  I bought a beautiful panel that has cats in a garden that I am going to quilt.  It shouldn't take long to do, I just need to put a back and binding on it.  I might put a block border around it to make it bigger.  I bought it at a thrift store for like 50 cents.  This if for me, noone else.  :)
4.  I have a pile of plaid flannels that I am going to make into a rag quilt for my uncle to brighten up his nursing home room.  I have until August to finish this one.
5.  I bought the material this past summer to make this skirt. 
I bought some beautiful teal and celery green material and cannot wait to make it!  I was all set to make it in July when I broke my wrist and I've never finished it.
6.  I have a pretty off white curtain with ruffles that I've been waiting to make into this dress since this spring.
7.  I just bought this pattern
  And I have the material from the quilt I just made, it has roses, pink and yellow.  Very similar to this dress.  I'll make my dress longer with a higher neckline though.

That is all the projects for now, it doesn't count the matching capes I want to make for my sister and niece, and I'll probably make one for my mom too.  Remember the one I just made for myself?

Have a Merry Christmas ya'll!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fudge Recipes

All the men in my family got the same thing for Christmas.  What do you get a guy who has everything?  Fudge of course!  Can't go wrong with that, unless it is for my husband who does not like fudge.  I've never made fudge before so I needed to find some recipes.  The only thing is, I was running way behind and did not have much time to make it.  Let me tell you warn you though, it is not healthy!  I will be sharing a healthy recipe later.  It will be after Christmas probably unless someone needs it before?
I found this recipe  .  It is cooked in the microwave and is delicious!  I used 2 cups of semisweet chocolate chips and 1 cup of milk chocolate chips.  I also added a teaspoon of vanilla after heating it through.  You don't want to add the vanilla before cooking or it will dissipate. 
For the peppermint fudge I took a bag of red candy melts (You can buy them at the craft stores) and added a couple of drops of peppermint, melted them in the microwave, and poured it over the top of the fudge.  I then sprinkled broken bits of candy cane on top.  Just remember that the candy melts dry hard which is why the pieces look funky.
I also made peanut butter fudge.  So good!  I found the recipe here:  Alton Brown had another winner!  Be sure to watch the video too, he has some good hints.  It is also cooked in the microwave.  These would be good rolled in balls and dipped in chocolate.  My fudge was not thick like he said.  I had to measure the powdered sugar and used two cups which should be one pound.  I cut it a couple of hours later and it was still very soft, I thought I had messed it up, but today it is perfect! 
I once made a hamburger cake and used candy melts to make the french fries.  Next time I'll use peanut butter fudge because it is the right color and easy to manipulate.
I really should make another hamburger cake sometime!  I made this one for my brother in law years ago.  My cakes look a lot better when I don't have to use healthy ingredients!  LOL
Have a Merry Christmas Ya'll! 
Aren't you thankful God sent his only Son as a newborn babe to die on the cross for us?  The best Christmas gift ever!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I wore a flannel sheet to church today!

Look what I made from a flannel sheet!  Jennifer from Seamingly Smitten asked for pattern testers for her new ruffled collar cape.  Check out some of the ones other people made!   My pictures did not turn out very well though.  I need a new camera for Christmas!  LOL
I originally bought this expensive material not realizing that it was not wide enough and my husband told me I had to wait until payday to buy more. 
I went to a thrift store and found a queen sized flannel sheet for a dollar!  I also cut down a dog's coat for Boots, my old cat because he is always cold, but since he is old he is smart enough to figure out how to take it off!  I used the blue band from the top of the sheet for my ruffle and the band on my hat for contrast.  I also made a matching hat!

Pippi was a big help with the measuring.  (Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice?)
For the hat, I traced around another beret I already had, and then put in a gather stitch.
I measured the blue band around my head and then with right sides together from the outside of the hat I stitched the band on. 

I then folded the band in and stitched it on.  Make sure you don't have a big lump like mine, it broke my needle!  You can find better tutorials online, but this is how I made mine.
 I used the sheet for the lining also.  It was actually quite warm!  Again, please ignore the awful pictures, I didn't have time for much makeup this morning since I was finishing up my cape before church.  Did I mention how easy and quick this pattern is?  She also has them in children's sizes too, and since it is an instant download you can make a couple for quick Christmas presents!
Check out her blog here:

Merry Christmas ya'll!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Apron Pictures

Over two years ago I cut out the material for this apron, and put it away because I got busy.  I've never done an apron like this one before.  I finally sewed it together a few weeks ago in November in time to have my pictures made.  I messed up on it though and need to fix a few things.  First, don't wear a ruffly shirt underneath unless you want to look very lumpy on top!  LOL  Second, I need to undo my ruffles and pull them down evenly, so if you make one of these make sure your ruffles are even from the front, not the top like I did.  Thirdly, I need to cross the straps in the back to keep them from falling off my shoulder.  I haven't made the button holes yet, because I lost the instruction manual on my machine and cannot remember how.  :)
I'm thinking of having a friend embroidery Missy's Whimsical Creations on the front, but I'm not sure if that would be too much?  What do you think?
I would like to thank my friend Siouxsie for taking my pictures, even though my apron was messed up.
These are a couple of other pictures she took for me.

My husband did not want to get his picture taken this year and for some weird reason I let him get away with it!  I'm going to try to take a picture of him playing his bass at church though.
I also wanted to thank my friend Rebecca for helping me with the design elements on my blog, she is a blessing!  I used to babysit her, boy do I feel old sometimes!
Don't forget that you can sign up to receive my blog posts in your emails now if you don't have blogger!

Merry Christmas ya'll!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

TX Tech Rag Quilt is finished!

I finished my sister's Christmas present!  I know I am cutting it close, especially since I have to mail it Saturday.  PTL it does not have far to go!  I meant to have it finished last week but when my friend passed it away I lost a week of sewing, I just was not in the mood.
My mom sent me this Texas Tech material this past summer to make her nursing scrubs, but she lost her job right after I got it.  My family lives in Lubbock, they are big Tech fans of course.  My sister's husband is a professor there, so she has an extra dose of loyalty going there.  I told my mom I could make my sister a quilt for Christmas with it.  The next step was deciding which black and white material to use. 
After I cut the blocks in 6 inch squares I laid them on the floor to decide which design to go with.  This was one of my options.

 I then took an old red fleece blanket and cut it in squares, it went behind the black and white polka dots so that the red from the fleece and the red from the Tech material gave me red on every other square.  I also took another old black fleece blanket and some fleece I got at a thrift store for the rest of my squares.
This is the pattern I decided to go with.  I did not have much of the big diamonds or the fleur de lis.  They came out of a quilt kit my husband had bought for me on clearance.  I like the way it broke up the pattern, those two patterns came out to being the same amount as the other patterns.

After I decided on my design, I picked up each row and numbered them with a straight pin through each pile to keep them in order.
I sewed one row at a time and put my numbers back on each row to keep them in order.  After spending an hour deciding on my order I didn't want them messed up!  LOL
I then sewed my rows together.  Remember if you want to sew a rag quilt that you need to sew the pieces together wrong sides together and with 1/2 inch seams.
I really like sewing machine pictures!  LOL
This is what it looked like after I snipped my seams and before I washed it.  It took me all day snipping those seams!  I definitely want a pair of snippers before I make another.  (I've mentioned this to my husband several times, do you think he will get the hint and buy me a pair for Christmas?)

It even made a really cool design on the back!
Here's the quilt close up.  See the red flannel sticking through?  Do you think my sister will like it?
Have a Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I just wanted to share some links to some free apron patterns:

Here are some cute apron patterns and aprons you can buy:

Here are some more cute aprons:

I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Twins' Birthday Cake

All Smiles!

Here's a picture of me serving my cake today at church.  Do you see the ugly plastic gloves?  LOL

Aaliyah and Aaric turned 15 today.  She wanted two fondant figures of her and her twin brother.  I started out with molding rice krispies treats into the shape of their body.  I used a thick straw through each body to hold everything together and stick in the cake.  I didn't have any brown food coloring, so I took some almond bark, melted it, added some corn syrup, and added it to my fondant to make black skin.

I think making clothes out of fabric is a lot easier than fondant!  I can't make hands, so I needed to figure out a way to hide their hands.  Aaliyah likes ponchos so I used one to hide her hands.  I wasn't sure how to make his hair, so I took a new sponge and dipped it into black food coloring and then sponged it onto his head.

To hide Aaric's hands, I had him hold the fondant 15 that I made using a mold.
Aaliyah wanted half the cake pink and the other half blue.   I made the candy figures from gumpaste molds I got from here:
The odd colors are from the thot not powdered sugar I made.  You can get the directions here:  I just used a basic buttercream recipe and added salt to cut the sweetness and some almond extract which gave it a bit of a maple taste.
I made a 1/4 sheet cake and to help it to cook in the middle I greased a biscuit cutter and put it in the middle to act as a heat conduit.
Here is a close up of Aaliyah on the cake, she is surrounded by cupcakes.
Here is a close up of Aaric.  I didn't mean to make their noses so big!
I had a lot of fun making this cake, even though it took me five hours to make the fondant figures!

I hope you enjoyed my cake!