Friday, December 28, 2012

New Quilt!

I got a "new to me" quilt.  The quilt has never been used and was made for one of my grandmother's grandchildren, but never given to us for 20+ years, LOL!  To hear about that story and the other quilts, go here and here.  When my Daddy passed away, I was given the choice of four quilts, and I got to choose one.  My grandmother had made all four.  One for me, one for my sister and one for my step brother and step sister.  See the above links to see them.  My step sister told my step mom to give hers to me since she was not as close to my grandmother as I was.  It is a circle upon circle quilt.  I wrote a post about that pattern here.
There were two of these, I kind of wished I had picked these for my sister and I, since they match, but I love  my Martha Washington Flower Garden quilt!  (I included the link above)  Don't you love the pink scalloped edges?  I wanted you to see all of the blocks, so I took lots of pictures!
 I had to move my treadle into the dining room sewing room, so I would have a place for our new organ.
 I love the brown and yellow fabric together, it reminds me of a banana fudgesicle!
 Isn't the pink and green one pretty?
 Here's a closer look at the scalloped edges.  See the orange and yellow block?
 I love the cross stitch look of this material.
 Here's the backside of the folded quilt.
 Look at that bright pink and purple!
 She did a great job of matching a solid color to one of the colors in the prints.

 I did not have a way to hang my quilt, so I got a dowel rod, and hung it on two nails.  Easy, Peasy!  I hope my husband didn't have plans for that dowel rod because he can't have it back!  LOL
 This is my favorite block, my husband's too!  I love the blue!

 I rearranged my sewing machines yesterday, I'll share that with ya'll next week.
The sad thing about my quilt is that it has a burn hole, I'm assuming it was from an iron.  My sister's Grandmother's Flower Garden has one too.
Since it is Feline Friday, I have to share a funny picture.  The neighbor's dog got in our backyard and it scared the cats.  Muffin ran off before I could get a picture of his puffed tail.
 Even Pippi was bigger than that little bitty dog! LOL
 What a tail!  LOL  I have always loved Tiger's tail, but it's great when pouffed!
Have a great weekend ya'll!


  1. Missy, what wonderful quilts your Grandmother made and what a beautiful heirloom for you! I am on my way now to read the stories about the 4 quilts.........Happy Wonderful New year!

  2. What great treasures to have from your grandmother! Some of my most cherished quilts, patterns and quilting tools are those I inherited after my grandmother passed away. Her quilts are all beautiful, I love how you hung it up, too. So simple yet so perfect!

  3. What a treasure that quilt is!! I love the blue block too -- the paisley is beautiful!! Cats' pouffed up tails make me laugh! Leia's is quite a sight to behold when it gets into a furry state of fear! :)

  4. What a lovely quilt! I love it's history and that you finally have it! What a treasure!

  5. You're so lucky to have now inherited 2 quilts - I wish there had been family quilts for me to inherit but I a am the first known family quilter. that's a lot of pressure!

    Love the pouffy tails!

  6. Beautiful quilts. What a treasure to cherish!

  7. Wow!! What a treasure! I love how you hung it!!

  8. Such a beautiful quilt treasure! I love the charm and whimsy of old fabric and piecing:)

  9. Your quilt is gorgeous! And I can't stop laughing at the poof tails on your cats... huge!!

  10. Such a lovely quilt, Missy! Quite a treasure to have! Whoop whoop!!

  11. Beautiful quilt squares! Also, funny fluffed cat tails!!!! I love the arched backs and the puffy fur when they see something scary. Glad the dog was outside and the cats in.

  12. Wow, that is wonderful! I love how you hung it on the wall.

  13. Your grandmother had such a good ability match colours and patterns - the quilt is really lovely. And so large! It must have taken her ages to make. I love the scalloped edges too - beautiful, you lucky thing you! :)

  14. That quilt is beautiful! My grandmother passed recently and I hope I can get one of the things she made - she didn't quilt, but she did a lot of needlepoint. If my aunts want it they can have it, I just don't want any of her pieces to get thrown away.

  15. what a beautiful quilt! so nice of your step sister to let you have it! i have a couple quilts from my great aunt and they mean so much to me, knowing they were made by her hands ... she was a seamstress and her hands were always busy sewing something.

  16. Oh what a wonderful treasure burn hole and all. Do a little mending and keep it to hand down to someone you love. Lucky you.
    zo, Jeanne

  17. What a wonderful treasure, Missy, and how lucky you are to have one of your Grandmothers quilts. The pattern is a classic and so well done. I enjoyed seeing ALL the blocks and their vintage fabrics.

    The burn hole is a minor blemish considering the wonderful story of the quilt. I have a suggestion about your hanger...make a muslin sleeve at least as long as your pole (twice the length if you want it gathered). Run the pole through it like a curtain pocket and hang your quilt back over the now covered pole. This will protect your quilt from the fumes and seepage of wood toxins that turn quilts brown and speed up fabric rot. Visiting from VTT. Hope you will have a chance to stop by and see my Vintage Block....Sue

  18. Nice visiting with a fellow Texan, especially one that shares the love of quilts like me. I do not sew or make them, but have way too many. Several vintage and some newer ones. All handmade.


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