Saturday, May 31, 2014

May Finishes

 My goal for this month was to finish March April and May's blocks for the Quilt Doodle BOM 2014.
 I had gotten behind with moving and trying to get things done for my new house.  I used my material that was super cheap because there were spots on it that was not supposed to be there, but they look great on the trees!  It looks like snow on the branches!
 The above block really needs to be trimmed up.
 Here are my trees on either side of my cabin from February.
 Here is April's block.  As ya'll know I hurt my knee two weeks and was not able to sit at my sewing machine until a few days ago, but only for small times before my knee would start hurting.
 I am almost finished, but at 9:45, the block I messed up and the fact my knee was really hurting - I gave up.  It's pretty close though!  I'll finish it tomorrow, no problems!
Of course I had help!


Did you finish your monthly goal?  I am really not very dissapointed because looking back, I did finish a lot this month, before I got hurt!

My Button

Friday, May 30, 2014

Yarn Play - Feline Friday

 My kittens found the box of yarn.  Oreo pulls a ball out and carries it around the house.
 Of course, his sisters want to play too!

 They even wrapped it around the kitchen table and chairs!
 Chris is fixing that ball of yarn to make it a toy for them to play with.
Please excuse the clutter, with my knee things are kind of messy.  The good knees is I am staring to be able to bend it now.


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Front Porch Furniture

I've been slowly trying to make my front porch look nice on a very limited budget.  It is a screened in front porch that my cats love.

I bought two teal Adirondack chairs that match the trim on my house.
 My shadow looks funny!

I could not believe Wal Mart had chairs the same color as my house!

My husband painted a dark green plastic bench I had.  I wanted yellow!  Yellow makes me happy!

 I bought it for $10 many years ago!  You can tell Cupcake likes it!
I bout this bistro table for $15 a couple of months ago and had my husband paint the brown top yellow to match.
Sorry about the glare from the sun!  Oreo thought he would help with the glare!
Now I need to re-ulphoster the glider rocking chair to match.
I was thinking of this material to help tone down the bright colors.
It has teal/turquoise, burnt orange, and dark yellow in it.  Do you think it will match?

 I also need an outdoor rug, and I will be happy with my front porch!

Give me your opinions on that material please, the glider is my next project!

Thank you!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Purse!

I won a new purse Katili Made.  It was during the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway.  Isn't it adorable?  I just love it!
I'm slowly able to sit at my sewing machine a little more each day.  Praise the Lord I have a hand crank because it was my right knee I hurt and I'm still having trouble bending it.


Monday, May 26, 2014

Antique Quilt

I won an old quilt top at a raffle.  I am very excited about it and one day plan on finishing it.
 For right now it is hanging in my quilting room.
 I love looking at all of the old fabrics in it. I have no idea how old this quilt is.
 You can tell she just used whatever she had and did not pay any attention to what "matched"
 I'm pretty sure there a feed sacks and material from the 50's maybe?

 I was thinking the red and blue below was 50's or 60's
 But is that blue on the left 30's?  and the white looks like feed sacks?

My husband does not like scrappy quilts like this, but I told him it was a part of history!

Any clues about my quilt you want to share?


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Hand quilting

I have been slowly working on my hand quilting, I'm sure a lot more will get done this summer when we go out of town.
 I have slowly been working on the leaves, but I think I am going to take a break from them and work on a cat next.
I enjoy hand quilting and need to get back to doing it!


Friday, May 23, 2014

Felines Fetching

The mornings have been beautiful and the cats have been enjoying the front porch.
Muffin and Oreo

Oreo, Precious and Cupcake

Precious and Cupcake spooning on the bench.
My three youngest cats love to play fetch.  Oreo was the first.  He started fetching a stuffed fish toy.  Now it is usually that or a mouse he carries by the tail.  Every once in a while something weird he should not be playing with and we have to confiscate from him, like the worm he brought me one day.  That sucker was big! Then Custard started playing with him and they like to play keep away from each other and see who can get it first.
Cupcake finally started playing fetch after we moved to Ava.  She will only play with the sparkly pom pom ball.  I got a video the other day, we were watching a cooking video, so that is what you hear in the back ground.
You can also hear Cupcake cooing when she gets excited about us throwing, or if she thinks we are taking too long.

Who needs TV when you have cats?

I am linking up at Feline Friday hosted by Sarah Did IT!  so be sure to hop on over and link up your feline related post!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Quilt Blocks

Hello everyone!  I hope ya'll are having a great week!  I have not had a chance to share a couple of blocks I made the past couple of weeks for The Sew Sweet Bee, organized by Donna over at Donna's Lavender Nest.
This month Jennie, from Clover & Violet, chose a block she had designed herself.  You can get the pattern Here.  Low volume is something new for me.  The star is supposed to be a solid color and the outside low volume.  I've never thought about, much less done low volume before so I hope she likes it!
 Heather from Vintage Grey had last month's block.  She chose a pinwheel.  I love the colors and prints she chose.  Aqua, pink and yellow.  I am going use these types of fabrics for my block.

My month is January and I need a 12 1/2 inch block.  I want to do a basket quilt but I cannot decide between a basket with a rick rack handle or a cactus pot basket.  I like them both!  Any suggestions?

  My knee is doing better.  I have had many people mention I need stitches.  I agree, but the hospital is an hour away and my elderly neighbor said they would not stitch it anyways, so we did not go.  Hindsight, you know!  I do have butterfly bandages on it now and there is no sign of infection.  I have been treating it with colloidal silver and lavender essential oil.  Once it starts scarring I'll put coconut oil and vitamin E on it to prevent the scarring.  I have been taking silver and coconut oil internally to help prevent infections from the inside also.

Since I cannot do much sewing because I can't get my knee comfortable, I have been watching some Christian movies while I worked on my Scrappy Trip Along Quilt.  One of the steps is sewing the strips into a tube and then having to unpick the seams. All the blocks were ready for the unpicking.   So I have been having  a froggy time - rip it, rip it.  If you have not made one, here is the pattern with visuals so you can understand.  I did the last 35-40 blocks.  Now I just need to sew them!  Yeah!

I hope you are having a great week!
