Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Cat quilt Finished!

 I am really excited about my wall hanging!  Wednesday last week I decided I wanted to put together my cat blocks from an exchange on Treadleon,net  with the cross stitch Amy gave me.
All of the cat blocks were made with either hand cranks or treadles.  I pieced it all on my Singer 99 hand crank.  I quilted it on my Singer industrial 16.  Pippi was a big help!  I love this picture!
I quilted the border with tiny straight lines, I used the edge of my walking foot as my guide.  I love this bright cat fabric I used!

I was not sure how I wanted to quilt the cats at first and then decided to quilt faces and zig zags on the bodies.  I'm not sure how well you can see it.

You can see the faces better on the dark fabric.  The black block with the yellow fabric has a bird that started as a fish, but my husband said it sill looks like a fish.  LOL

I went ahead and signed the bottom of the quilt in lieu of a label, but I wish I had drawn a paw instead of a spiral.

 The purple has a fish, blue says cats and red says meow.  My paw prints definitely need work though!
 The backing and binding is a navy material with a tan print that says I love my cats with paw prints.
 Here is a close up view of some of the stitching on the back.
 Here is a full view of the back.
I had to show you this picture of Tiger helping me decide where to put the blocks.
I am entering this quilt into the cat quilt category at the Pets on Quilts show at Lily Pad Quilting.  If you like my quilt, please vote for me!
I have also entered a cats on quilt post, be sure to check out that post also to see more of my fur babies!


  1. That is adorable! And those helpers are cute!

  2. I just love those paw prints - very cute - I also like the bird/fish - and the cat faces - very original!

  3. Such a cute kitty quilt! Love the sweet kitty, too!

  4. Love the quilted faces and other fun details :)

  5. Your quilt turned out extremely cute. Pippi looks like she is saying I want my name and paw print on this one mom. And Tiger is saying I have this vision for your quilting.....

  6. You and your supervisors created a wonderful quilt! The quilting itself is extraordinary but with all the kitty fabrics it's a pure delight. Well done!

  7. I love how the cat faces show up on the back!! It looks like they're looking at me in the dark :)

  8. Very cute quilt. Love the quilting, and great cat!

  9. Both the quilt and the cat are lovely.

  10. Sweet felines! I think they are giving approval :-)

  11. Missy, it's darling -- you've done a wonderful job with it! Congratulations! :)

  12. That is such a cute quilt and I really love the back :)

  13. O seu trabalho ficou muito bonito, eu cliquei sobre as fotos para ver melhor, e realmente é rico em detalhes, adorei!

  14. That's a really cute quilt Missy! and what a kicker how neat the cats turn out with the quilting in the back! Love it!

  15. Your cat quilt is lovely. Love the way the cat quilting shows on the back. Amazing work. Pippi is such a cutie!

  16. Your quilt makes me happy. I love your quilting too.

  17. I can't pick a favorite part of this quilt...I love it all!!

  18. Love the kitties and the quilt. Hugs, Susie x

  19. Cute enough I voted for it!

  20. Really like that photo of Pippi on your quilt too!

  21. I love that 2 of the cats are facing the opposite direction - there's always a couple in the bunch that do their own thing. LOL. Looks great =^..^=

  22. The faces on the quilt are great. Really like the neon cat fabric


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