Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Top Five Posts!

I did not have many finishes this year, but I am proud of what I have finished!
My biggest finish this year was my scrappy trip around the world quilt.
You can see more posts about this quilt, here and here.

I also finished my scrappy log cabin quilt that I gave to my Aunt Ginny.
You can read about that quilt here. 

We can't forget my Drunkard's Path Quilt!  You can read about that one here.

My next two are small projects, but still firsts for me!
A coin purse!  I need to make more of these!

I also made some mug rugs.  I need to make more of these also!

This sums up my 2015 finishes!

Quilting and sewing is so much fun!
Have a happy new year everyone!


I am linking up at the Top 15 Linky party at Meadow Mist Designs, and Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Fabric Frenzy at Fort Worth Fabric Studio.


  1. Beautiful work! I love that scrappy log cabin quilt! Just gorgeous! :)

  2. Great finishes especially since you work full time.

  3. You do lovely work, Missy! Happy New Year to you and yours!!

  4. Great finishes! From the first picture it looks like your kitties love your beautiful quilt too! Thanks for linking up.

  5. Your trip around the world quilt was quite an undertaking, all those little squares!

  6. Great finishes, Missy! Your scrappy trip around the world quilt is my favourite. Happy New Year!!

  7. Love the quilts you've shown here Missy! I've never seen a drunkard's path that looked so cheerful! Here is hoping 2016 goes much more smoothly for you!


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