"She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Cats on Quilts

Welcome to the Pets on Quilts Show from Lily Pad Quilting!  I decided to express what I go through during the making of a quilt when a person has cats and wrote a corny poem illustrated with my cats!  I am entering this photo in the cats on quilts category.
Custard and Oreo on a log cabin quilt my MIL made
Seriously, how do you pick just one photo when you have such cute babies?

Piecing a quilt,
A labor of love,
Stopping to move a ball of fuzz.
Now I'm full of guilt.
Custard on my scrappy trip around the world blocks

Ready to FMQ,
Again, here's the cat,
I gently say, "scat!"
What am I gonna do?

Tiger and Cupcake on a great granny square quilt
Stop, let her sleep,
The camera I grab
Snapping away, she looks fab!
Out of her, not a peep!
Pippi on a nine patch quilt
Now it's time to smile,
The quilt is done,
The race has been won!
But my cat is full of guile!
Tiger on a rail fence quilt
Trying to take a picture,
Don't see a cat anywhere,
Taking the shot with care,
There are the cats out of nowhere!
Custard, Cupcake and Oreo fighting
It's a well known fact:
Cats on quilts,
Quilts on cats,
Where there is a quilt, there is a cat!
Oreo in the wagon on my strings quilt, Cupcake's behind under the quilt, and Pippi sleeping on the log cabin quilt.
Oreo, Custard and Cupcake.  Siblings on the nine patch quilt.
I hope you enjoyed my corny poem!  Don't forget to hop over to the show and see some more great blogs with pets on quilts!
 If you are wondering, yes, I have eight cats but did not want to put more pictures then I already have on here!



sewyouquilt2 said...

your kitties are cute holding down those quilts LOL

Carol Swift said...

It seems that the beautiful quilts are magnets for your cats and they found them to be quite comfy. Your quilts, cats, and poem made for a sweet beginning to my morning!

Barbara said...

Your kitties are kitties after Gracie's own heart. How can one possibly capture such beauty in photography? Kitties are meant to be felt AND seen.

Janet said...

One can tell that your cats have a loving home. They are so relaxed and comfortable sleeping on every quilt they can find!

sew.darn.quilt said...

Comfy kitties. What more could you ask for? They're wonderful!

tink's mom said...

Your poem is so right on the money. Your cats know all about comfy don't they. Lovely quilts.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Quilts are such cat magnets, aren't they?

Loris said...

Love the poem and the beautiful photos of your fur babies. Amazing how they always find the sweet spot of quilts!

Lori (ltdermdvm) said...

They are all adorable! Love the poem :)

Dana Gaffney said...

They are beauties, I'm always fascinated with how quilts attract cats, I guess they know warmth and comfort when they sleep on it. Nice poem by the way :)

Kim said...

Your kitties are so adorable! They are so lucky with you making all those quilts for them to snuggle and play on.

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

Sweet poem and you have such cute pictures of the fur babies.

Brandy said...

The picture of Pippi is my favorite! Thank you for sharing your fun pictures and the poem!

Blue Moth said...

Aw, so sweet! It looks like they landed on some of your quilts while they were still in the machine!

Ruth said...

Hard to pick between those photos! Love the one of Tiger on the rail fence quilt!

Pretinha said...

Seus gatos são lindos!
Eu amei a colcha vermelha, parabéns pelo o seu trabalho.

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

My cat is usually on mine too. Cute photos ! :)

Maria said...

Love the pictures of your kitties making sure those quilts stay in place. I have 7 cats and I am always happy to meet other cat lovers.

Debra said...

Your fur-babies are adorable! They look very comfy in all your quilts!

Qltr89 said...

Your cats look so comfy on the quilts. It is so true that when you're prepping the quilt to work on it, the cats are there suddenly. It is too funny.

Val's Quilting Studio said...

It's like your quilts are a magnet for your kitties!! Who can blame them when they are so nicely made!

Sandra said...

Everything in your post is so cute that includes your poem.

Nanbon44 said...

looks like the cats approve of all the quilts. Love the photo of Pippi on the sewing machine quilt photo...

Anonymous said...

Love your cat's names. So many cute cats and quilts!

Lara B. said...

Oh my goodness Missy - you have a whole family of gorgeous kitties! It looks like cozy heaven around your house!

Susie said...

They all look as if they know where the most comfort will be, especially the fabulous quilts. Thanks for sharing. Hug, Susie x

gpc said...

NOthing is prettier than a cat-quilt combination! :)

Sarah said...

Sorry for the late comment on your oh-so-perfect poem...I'm still not really able to comment on blogs from my phone so I have to wait until I get to a computer.

I agree - as soon as there is a quilt there is a cat or two =^..^=

Christine M said...

Cheeky kitties!

Debby said...

What beautiful cats you have. The quilts are pretty too.

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him." Psalm 34:8