I must say that it is not easy to quilt when a sweet cat is wanting to sleep on the quilt. Pippi is so adorable it was hard to make her move! LOL
I think this sailboat quilt was the hardest quilt I have made yet! For some reason I have a lot of pieces left over from those million pinwheels I made.This is what I did with my one extra block, I really like it - it looks like one ship sailing by itself - LOL
I took the pictures at the gazebo in the town square.
I used the backing for the binding, I was trying to keep it simple.
I just made simple lines going horizontally and eyed it. Vertically I put lines through the middle and on each side of the pinwheels, I wanted to keep the boats simple. I put an x in each corner.
I got the pattern from the book Sugar Sack Quilts by Glenna Hailey. I love this book, it has a lot of history on sugar sacks and a lot of beautiful patterns. I obviously just used a lot of scraps for my quilt.
I am so glad to be finished with this quilt! This week I need to make a block for an online quilting bee, a BOM and a pin cushion for a pin cushion swap, then I can get back to my string quilt and my scrappy trip around the world quilt.
This was my goal for this month http://missyscakesandaprons.blogspot.com/2013/12/almost-finished.html , I am so glad I finished it!
You know you are living in a small town when:
you drop your friend off and her goat tries to crawl in your car,
you then go to Wal-Mart and there is a baby goat in somebody's small car sitting in the parking lot. LOL We could hear it and kept looking around until we saw it.
I love small town life!
Missy in Missouri

Your finish looks fabulous!
The quilt is so cute! I really like the one sailboat on the back. That's just perfect.
I don't remember seeing that book before. It looks good. The quilt is cute! Good job!
Missy, you did a beautiful job quilting this! And I _love_ the lone sailboat on the back! Too darling!! :)
Love the Sailboat quilt! It is beautiful and love how you used the last block too! Good luck on the house. Prayers going your way.
Nice job on the sailboats! However, living in a small town would make me crazy. I like to be able to see people, walk to the grocery store, and not spend half an hour or more driving places. Pray you get the house if it is right, a house is a big responsibility and you want it to have no surprises.
Your sailboats look great! The backing is really sweet. I love the pops of fun in quilt backings. They make the quilt so much better.
I will keep your house hopes in my prayers. You need to get away from the mold. You can get a spray bottle and spritz the moldy areas with a bleach water mix. But stay away until the bleachy smell dissipates. It can cause headaches too.
Nice job on the quilt! I love the lone sailboat on the back too.
The quilt turned out fabulous, and the quilting is wonderful too. I live in a small town, and I get a kick out of the fact you can run into tractor supply and leave your car running in the lot. Or my all time favorite the guy who did that but did not have a parking brake, so he used partially filled mountain dew 2 liters as wheel chocks.
I like the back too!! Very clever.
Your quilt is beautiful. I love Glenna Hailey I have a few of her books. You ought to send her a picture of it.
Oh how I hope y'all get this house. You need to be out of all the mold.
Hope you are having a great day.
Oh my goodness, this is so wonderful. Love everything about it. Love the use of stripes as a backing too. :) Hope the house works out. Be blessed!
Really cute! You did a fantastic job, it looks even better quilted.
Cute quilt! I like the lone sailboat on the back.
That's really pretty! I've considered making a quilt with sailboats like this. You did a great job!
Missy the quilt looks fabulous and the sashing is perfect. Glad you have found a house you like. Thinking of you.
Your sailboat quilt is fabulous! Love the quilting and great job on the binding! Praying for you!
WOW..this is totally fabulous! What a great job with all of those tiny pinwheels.
I love the blues and reds...very nautical - perfect choices
Oh sooo cute. I live in a small town in Missouri also. I wonder if we are neighbors?
I posted a comment but it didn't show up-so will try again.
I am from a very small town in Missouri too-in the woods-lol I love small town life too-and hope you get your new house.
Missy I love your quilt finish-and I can really appreciate all the time and hard work you put into this. A perfect touch with a sailboat on the back of the quilt-love that.
I like to finish allot of my quilts that too-turn the back to the front and stitch town-which is an old time method.
Oh, LOL about the baby goats! Hilarious! Your quilt is fab! And I love all those pretty little pinwheels! I haven't heard of that book but sounds like I need to look it up. Well done!
Love the sailboats! the sashing looks like a lot of work, but looks fabulous.
An amazing finish... congratulations!
And... watch out for quilting goats!! LOL
Thanks for the smile!
Love this quilt! Amazing!
that's a gorgeous quilt!
So Pretty! Love the back as much as the front side. Congratulatons on reaching your January Goal. I am also making a happy dance for the same reason. Hugs from Brazil
Very beautiful quilt, congrats !
What a stunning quilt!!!
I am co hosting Fluster's Creative Muster Link Party!! Thanks so much for linking up!
What fun! It's wonderful, Missy.
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