I finally have a finished pillow for my bed!
Two years ago, before I moved to MO, my friend from quilt retreat, Mary Lou, gave me a wonky log cabin block. She said the cat reminded her of me. I decided to make a throw pillow out of it since it matched my scrappy trip along quilt I was working on.
I had an extra block from my quilt. I took the block apart and used the strips to put around the block to make it the right size for my pillow form. I did all of this before spring when I finished my quilt. I have been meaning to join the FMQ quilt along over at
quiltshopgal . With my surgery this summer and school, I never got around to FMQing it.
I finally finished it today!
I put on my toesie socks and penguin pj's and worked on my treadle.
I had a lot of help!
Unfortunately, after sitting, neglected, for months, my tension was all wonky. I used up small bobbins, rather then wasting thread. I figure no one was going to see the back anyways. It took longer to rip out seams then it did to quilt!
I used some yellow fleece for the back, I love soft pillows! I made the back envelope style. I used my featherweight and serger for this part.
I liked practicing a new technique on a pillow rather then a quilt. It is a jester hat motif, option 1 in the challenge.
I am so happy with my pillow, it makes me smile!
You can check out the linky for this party here: http://quiltshopgal.com/2015-free-motion-quilting-challenge-december-challenge-with-wendy-sheppard-and-grand-prize-info/
Tomorrow I need to put elastic in some skirts and make a coin purse, not to mention working on my husband's quilt. It took all day yesterday to get my sewing room back in order so that I could sew! Since I worked out my tension issues today, it should be a breeze to finish up his quilt!
I enjoyed making my first pillow, I need to make more!