"She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27

Monday, April 22, 2013

Design Wall Monday

 I have been working on my Scrappy Trip around the world blocks!  I'm finishing them up on my treadle!  I've had my treadle for a year and could not get the rhythm down(I have two left feet), so at the TOGA I asked a lady to please help, after about 15 minutes of instruction from her I can do it no problems!  Wow is it fun, and it can go fast too!  I'm learning how to control my speed between fast and slow and stop!  It just takes practice.  Can you see all of my chain stitching behind the pedal?  I have to keep my pin cushion in the drawer or my kitties will pull the pins out and I am terrified of them swallowing one, so it's easier just to pull out the drawer while I'm sewing.
Here I am at the TOGA learning how to sew.
Muffin loves My Scrappy Trip Around the World blocks!  Here they are all sewn into tubes.
 I actually cleaned off my sewing table, so maybe ya'll won't think it is always a mess on there!
The strips were waiting to be sewn into tubes, and Muffin followed the tray as I moved it through the day.  

He thinks it is a new cat bed for him.
I got this basket when I went to the Treadle on gathering academy  (TOGA) and it is the perfect size for keeping my completed blocks in.
I've made 16 more bowtie blocks.  I've decide this quilt will be twin size, perfect for taking along on quilt retreats and  camp meetings when I need my own quilt.
 I'm also hoping I'll have enough room in my new sewing room for a daybed to use for guests.
I forgot to take a picture of my finished Scrappy Trip Around the world blocks, I'll have to post that later.

What are you working on?


Pam in KC said...

Isn't that relatively long strip great to learn to treadle on.

Anonymous said...

It is such a joy to use the treadle. It is a bit hard to get used to the movement of the feet, but once you get it - it is a breeze :) I am glad you are enjoying it... m.

Angie said...

I did some TATW blocks on the treadle at my camp this weekend - so much fun!

Mary said...

Nice to see more Treadles on the Design Wall Monday postings. I don't have one right now. I'm waiting for parts to convert an old Bentwood Singer to a hand crank. The knee control was missing from the case. I want to use it at retreat. Love the bow tie blocks, too. My Blocks are waiting for sashings.

Paula, the quilter said...

I love using my treadle. Unfortunately, it is covered in quilts at the moment and I can't use it.

Chris said...

I do not have a treadle machine but it sounds like fun. I look forward to seeing your scrappy trip. I just started my first one.

Cindy F said...

I have a treadle and haven't learned how to use it yet. Still need to get everything together on it to make sure it's in working order before I try. I'm looking forward to it though as it just looks fun!

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

Congratulations on getting the treadle down!

Adorned From Above said...

I have never used one before. It looks hard. I love your cats. I just came the the Fluster Muster Party.

Isobel Morrell said...

Loved just seeing this machine! Bought back wonderful memories of learning to sew way back in the 1950's at school. I was the only person who actually enjoyed using the treadle!! Saved on the arms, in my view! Thanks for the chance to re-lived "the old days"! Have to admit, my "new" machine is an improvement though. Isobel: www.ColdhamCuddliescalling.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

OMG- my cat could soooooo be your cat! I swear I had to do a double take because Muffin looks just like my Jasmine!

Bev said...

Love that machine!!

LV said...

Sewing was never my things. The ones that do, a machine is like having a pot of gold.I LOVE ALL QUILTS.

Christine said...

Yay, glad you're using your treadle! I've heard Franklins are really neat to sew with!

Angie in SoCal said...

I learned to sew on a treadle a long time ago. Sure would like to own one. How does one go about finding one? Love those bow ties!

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to attend a TOGA! Lucky you. I have a hand crank - and it's locked! I don't want to break it so I'll have to take it to a locksmith, but it has to be a good one, because I don't want it ruined! I want to own a treadle, but that hasn't come my way yet.

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him." Psalm 34:8