July is my turn to have quilt blocks made for me for the Sew Sweet Bee! I am super excited and have obsessed about it all year! LOL

We are making 12 1/2 in. unfinished blocks. I picked the basket block for my blocks. I want the handles to be rick rack because I love rick rack!

Donna from Donna's Lavender Nest was sweet enough to make the block and tutorial for me. She is sending me the block above. Go HERE for the tutorial.
I was looking through my favorite fabric and I want to use it in this quilt. The big piece of pink will probably be my border if I don't change my mind after I get all of my blocks. It's hard to tell the colors from the picture.
I love the aqua, light pink, yellow and light green. It is hard to tell some of the colors from the picture.
When I made Heather's block from here, I loved the combination.
Strawberries, cherries, little roses and flowers, polka dots, ginghams and pretty plaids. Just think summer and spring! The background, I would love white on white!
I am looking forward to this quilt. I'll have 10 baskets from the bee, I'll make two more baskets.and for in between the baskets I am going to make 12 flowers. So far I have found four patterns for flowers I can maybe use. All the blocks are 12 inches finished.
A simple pansy block: http://www.craftsy.com/pattern/quilting/home-decor/simple-pansy-block/50745
Another pansy block: http://www.jeannesquilting.com/pansy.html
A Buttercup: http://patchworksquare.com/index.php?function=DisplayCategory&showCategory=Y&links=1&id=61&link1=61
A Tulip nine patch which is similar to the buttercup: http://www.quilterscache.com/T/TulipNinePatchBlock.html
I'm not sure about this last pattern though, I might change my mind.
I figured I could make three of each pattern.
I'm also thinking of maybe doing a border of Lori Holt's butterflies, we'll see when I get to that point what I feel like doing.
I cannot tell you how excited I am about my quilt! I have been obsessing about it all year! I can't wait to get all of my different blocks, I have to wait to make my two until I see what colors everyone else is using.
Thank you to everyone in the Bee!