"She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27

Monday, July 27, 2015

Vintage Quilts

I got to see my family while we were on vacation.  My Aunt Ginny had some vintage quilts she wanted to share with me.  Some of the fabric in the quilts are actual feed sack material.  My Aunt Ginny (not by blood, but my mom's best friend) is on the left and my Aunt Debbie (my mom's sister in law) is on the right.  The first quilt was made by her grandmother over 60 years ago.
 These nine patches were made from 1 1/2 inch squares, finishing at one inch!  They were very small!
 I loved how the rows were situated.
 It is hand quilted with a baptist fan pattern.
 She also had a Sunbonnet Sue quilt!  I'm not sure how old it is.

 My niece, Johnna was fascinated with it!
 This quilt was a wedding present from her grandmother.  She was 16 when she got married to her 17 year old husband.  She is now 75!  It is called a water wheel block.

 Remember my green log cabin quilt I just finished?  I gave it to Aunt Ginny while I was there and she surprised me with an afghan that she quilted for me!  We surprised each other!  Here is the quilt I made her.  (That's my mom in the back)
I just love vintage quilts and had so much fun seeing her quilts!

Do you have vintage quilts?


Be sure to check out these linky parties!

Fort Worth Fabric Studio





Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Great quilts! Hubby's grandmother made Sunbonnet Sue quilts (we have one). I've seen that block before, but, I can't remember the name of it, sorry. Enjoy your new afghan.

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

Fun quilts. I think the pattern is called Water Wheel

Hilachas said...

Gorgeous quilts. Thanks for sharing their history with us.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Fabulous quilts and with a story, even better! Thank you for sharing.

Dora, the Quilter said...

What great quilts. I'm not usually a fan of Sunbonnet Sue, and I have a few dozen of my grandmother's sun bonnet Sue blocks that have been with me for several decades--and for which I've twice bought and changed my mind about sashing fabric.

What I do love about Sunbonnet Sue blocks are all the variations and even how quiltmakers who have the exact same pieces applique them on at different, and, sometimes strange, angles.

My Sister Made Me Do It.... said...

Missy, thanks for sharing those photos with us! I had a sweet friend who invited me over once to look at her vintage quilts......I so wish I had photographed them.......she passed away a few years ago and then so did her brother, whom she lived with and I don't know what happened to the quilts. I hope they went to family......

Anonymous said...

The more quilts I see the more I want one. I just know I would never make it all the way through. These are fabulous. Thank you so much for sharing the stories of each of them.

Afton Warrick said...

Vintage quilts are so much fun; thanks for sharing. I don't have any myself, but I do have some vintage blocks that I aim to make into a quilt at some point. It's probably good that you brought that intention to mind.

Oui Crochet said...

My 4 year old was given a small quilt with those same dolls on it! :)

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him." Psalm 34:8