1) The first item on the list was a Birdhouse quilt for my friend Marie, that several ladies in my church helped me make. It was our first quilt for the prayer quilt ministry, we just didn't know it!
2) The second item on the list is a rail fence quilt for my husband, I just have some strips cut, that's it. I'll have to finish that!
3) The third item on the list is my cat panel. I am putting that on my hexagon quilt. See the link for the flowers.
4) I did not finish number four, a rag quilt for my uncle, I didn't even start it! I'm hoping to start on my rag quilts by the end of January. I want to make 3 denim rag quilts. One for my Uncle Glenn, one for my Uncle johnny and Aunt Debbie, and one for my nephew who will be 17 in April. These will be Christmas gifts for 2013.
5) I finished this one, it was a skirt! I'm not happy with the fit though.
6) I did not make me the dress, but I did make it for two other people.

7) This was a another dress that I did not finish!
Here is a dress I did finish though!
Since I have started sewing last year I have completed four quilts. The birdhouse quilt above, my first quilt was this wall hanging for my stepmom.
This rag quilt for my sister,
And my favorite quilt, my mom's Dresden Plate quilt, I couldn't tell ya'll who i was for because it was present!
There's a lot more sewing I did, but that is just too many pictures! It's nice to see what all I have accomplished this past year!